Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall into Fitness

Fall in to Fitness!

The fall is finally here! As the hot days of summer are finally cooling off, there are lots of ways that you can stay active and enjoy the fresh, crisp weather. Being active and healthy doesn’t always mean you have to go to a gym or play a sport; it can include many different things that involve moving your body. Autumn brings on lots of activities and opportunities that we might not get during the rest of the year. For some fun outdoor fun that is sure to get your body moving, check these activities out:
  • Enjoy a scenic bike ride or walk around your town
  • Try a corn maze (Click on this link to find one near you!
  • Visit a local pick-your-own farm. You can pick your own apples, pumpkins, and more!
  • Go on a hike with friends or family
  • Rake the leaves in your yard (it can be fun at any age to then jump in them!)
  • Canoeing or kayaking
  • Bring your dog for a walk. Don’t have one? Offer to bring your neighbor’s, grandparents’, friend’s, etc for a nice stroll.

While you are out having fun in the fall, be sure to dress appropriately for the weather. Wearing multiple layers may be helpful as your body temperature changes during your activities. Also, always stay hydrated and fueled! Just because you may not feel thirsty or hungry while doing an activity doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t need some water or energy. Make sure you have a water bottle handy and drink regularly, even if you don’t reel thirsty. When choosing snacks, try to make healthy choices that will provide your body with good energy. Some good snacks on the go are homemade trail mix, banana and peanut butter sandwiches, grapes, pretzels, etc. When Take care of your body, it’s the only you have!

Would you rather find something to do indoors? How about resting your mind and body with a little yoga? Yoga is a great activity because it can be done anywhere at any time because you do not need special equipment or space. What you do need is a quiet room and possibly a carpeted floor or a blanket or towel to lay on. Yoga uses a series of stretches, body positions, and breathing techniques in order to try to fully relax your body and your mind. This can be helpful after a day that had been stressful or if you need help getting to sleep at night. If you are interested in starting a yoga routine at home, here are some helpful hints:
  • Choose a time that you will not be disturbed by others
  • Try to make the room darker by closing the shades, putting a towel over the window, or turning the lights off.
  • You may want to try playing soft, tranquil music in the background.
  • Decide ahead of time which types of poses you would like to do and which body parts you would like to focus on
  • Focus on breathing deeply, in through your nose and our through your mouth
  • Be patient! It takes time to perform poses and see results. Some people practice for years! Every journey starts with a single step.

A great place to learn about the art of yoga, find poses, and even build your own pose sequence is It is full of great information and I find it very helpful when I teach my students.

                        In health and fitness,

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